Lawyers’ group urges Marcos gov’t to cooperate with drug war probe

Lawyers’ group urges Marcos gov’t to cooperate with drug war probe

A lawyers’ group on Wednesday called on the incoming administration of President-elect Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. to cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) should it continue its probe into the Duterte government’s war on illegal drugs.

In a statement, Center for International Law Philippines (CenterLaw) said it supports ICC Prosecutor Karim Ahmed Khan’s request to reopen the investigation months after it was suspended upon the Philippine government’s request.

“The Filipino people deserve much more than empty words and false promises,” the group said. “As President Rodrigo R. Duterte’s term comes to a close, CenterLaw calls on the next administration to cooperate with the investigations of the Office of the Prosecutor and to put an end to the senseless drug war.”

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