Lawyers’ group asks SC to issue new rules for EJKs

Lawyers’ group asks SC to issue new rules for EJKs

An extrajudicial killing is an outright breach of law. And regardless of the fact that the suspect may have fought the police, it is not for the police to write off the crime and proclaim that the killing was justified,’ CenterLaw tells the Supreme Court

MANILA, Philippines – Philippine human rights lawyers have challenged the Duterte administration’s war on drugs by asking the Supreme Court (SC) to issue a new writ that they hope would prevent extrajudicial killings in police operations.

In its petition before the High Court on Wednesday, April 26, the Center for International Law (CenterLaw) asked for a “Writ Contra Homo Sacer” that would institute mandatory investigative procedures in the aftermath of police operations.

A writ is a new or revised set of rules issued by the court to fit a present context or situation. “Homo Sacer” is a Latin term for an individual who may be killed by anybody at any time.

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