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Fact check: Philippines has obligations despite leaving ICC in 2019

Fact check: Philippines has obligations despite leaving ICC in 2019

MANILA, Philippines — Contrary to claims by the Marcos administration, the Rome Statute allows the International Criminal Court jurisdiction over alleged atrocities that took place when member-states were still parties to the court, even after they have pulled out of the ICC.

CLAIM: President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and his officials have claimed that the ICC no longer has jurisdiction over allegations related to the “war on drugs”, while the country’s own courts are “able and willing” to investigate killings in the drug war. They said this removes the country’s obligation to cooperate with the ICC probe.

RATING: These are false.

FACTS: The provisions of the Rome Statute — ratification of which Marcos Jr. supported when he was a senator in 2011 — lay out clear boundaries over the court’s jurisdiction and departure from the ICC does not remove that.

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